Places must visit before disappearing

1. the Maldives, known officially as the Republic of Maldives. Located in the Indian Ocean and consists of a double series of 26 atolls , because of global warming and melting ice the environmentalists had estimated the rise in sea level by one cm per year. This may not seem like much, but if you know that  the Maldives rise only 2.4 meters from the ground! Surely you should be worried .

2. city of Olympia .

 Greece is a home to the first Olympic Games in history. It is now threatened with extinction due to increased forest fires resulting from soaring summer temperatures.

3. the Valley of the Kings - Egypt.

In the Grand Canyon on the West Bank of the Nile there are many royal tombs which are eroding their walls by fungi, moisture, poor ventilation and the breath of tourists whose estimated in the thousands annually. Archeologists believe that these relics are disappearing within 150 years.


 A gathering of 118 Islands separated by canals and connected by bridges. Venice is one of the most beautiful cities of Italy. The city drown from a long ,but rising sea levels and frequent floods make some wonder how long Venice will endure above the water surface ?

5. Dead Sea – Jordan

 this natural marvel  very salty (10 times the ocean salinity) the most important destination for medical tourism had shrunk to a third in the past four decades.

6- great barrier reef-Australia

 This barrier so huge that can be seen from the space , But it disappears in an accelerated  manner .The high temperature of the ocean,  water pollution and hurricanes that hit coral reefs led to the disappearance of the brilliant colors of coral .

7. the Taj Mahal – India

The greatest shrine throughout history. Decaying  interface mausoleum and rotting the wooden base led to the possibility of undermining this great edifice. Some claim that it would collapse within five years.

8. the Amazon rainforest-Brazil

Home to 20% of plant and animal species in the world. Shrunk by 600,300 square kilometers in the past 30 years.


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